You have found us for a reason. And the moment you did, a shift happened within you. Will you ever uncover what it means? That depends on you.
The Temple of Chrysalis is a system of thought and an esoteric order developing and nurturing its philosophy, the Chrysalis Path. We are dedicated to the study of the mind, perception, and the structure of reality itself. We are a cognitive revolution.
Founded in Finland in 2018, Chrysalis has rapidly expanded beyond its origins as a community of reality shapers, spreading into an international phenomenon that challenges perception, identity, and the architecture of thought itself. We come from all backgrounds: Science, magic, religion and scepticism.
Our unapologetically megalomaniac plan? To install a new paradigm, claim our dominion over history, and build a legacy that will outlast us all.
The process has already begun.
You are already inside it. The question is:
Will you watch change happen — or be one of its creators?
The Temple of Chrysalis is a group of people who believe that the world isn’t something you just accept: it’s something you can change.
We study how the mind works, how people see the world, and even how reality itself is built. Think of it like learning the secret controls behind life’s game.
The Temple of Chrysalis can be thought of as the “thought system”, the Chrysalis Path, and the “people who take care of it”, the Temple of Chrysalis. We are like a big team that helps each other to be their best version.
In nature, a chrysalis is the stage where a caterpillar dissolves and reconstructs itself into a butterfly. Chrysalis finalises the complete metamorphosis of the butterfly lifecycle, resulting in “Imago”, the adult butterfly.
In Temple of Chrysalis, the concept of Chrysalis refers to the dismantling and reconstruction of the self that can happen also cyclically. Chrysalis is the climax of cognitive reprogramming.
Now, you can browse through the information on our website. We recommend starting with our core principles. Terms like Chrysalis, Imago, Kaleidoscopes, and Reality Shaping are key concepts you should be familiar with.
Once you have explored the fundamentals, you can read standalone articles on various topics.
If you’re still intrigued after that, you can DM us on Instagram to request access to our Discord server. Alternatively, you can send us an email to inquire about the invite link.
âš Please note: If the message comes from a suspicious or inauthentic email address, we will not respond.
Who is a member?
Anyone can identify as a Chrysalid, but official membership in the Temple requires a trial period. This period varies. Sometimes it’s two years, sometimes three, sometimes longer. It depends on how quickly you reshape your reality, how well you integrate into the community – and how fast will you understand what keeps the gate closed.
Membership happens through an initiation ceremony. An initiated member is called a “Telea”.
Who Can Apply?
Anyone who identifies as a Chrysalid and has a solid understanding of our system’s core principles.
We usually prefer that applicants have some prior interaction with us before applying. Joining our Discord is highly recommended, as it is our primary platform for international communication.
âš Please note: The Temple operates exclusively in English.
Who is it for?
We seek individuals who strive to be more than what is ordinary.
We expect a genuine drive for growth and a real commitment to breaking out of the box you were born into.
We want creative souls, smart minds, and wonderful personalities. Those who are ready to refuse stagnation and want to shape their own reality. Individuals who crave both happiness and legacy. (…If you are great party company, that’s a plus. Just kidding! OR ARE WE?)
Dreaming big is essential – as long as your feet remain on the ground and you are capable of being part of our group of reality architechts.
A Note on Well-Being
We are not a substitute for professional medical care. Because our practices involve deep reality-related exercises, our system may not be suitable for those whose perception of reality is already significantly impaired due to mental health challenges.
How do I apply?
Go to the main menu. Choose “The Temple” -> “Join”. Then, follow the instructions.
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The Pagan Festival 2024
10.10.2024 - This upcoming weekend, the Pagan Festival will be held at Espoo's Dipoli. In 2024, the Temple of Chrysalis is focusing on our internal activities, so we won't be participating as an exhibitor this year. However, we certainly don't want to miss out entirely, so you might still encounter Chrysalids attending as visitors. We’re more than happy to answer your questions and welcome you to join us for a chat and some fun, if the moment feels right! At the same time, we kindly ask that you allow us to enjoy a regular visitor experience; we're here as paying guests, not in any official capacity or "on duty" this time around. While we usually welcome deeper and more challenging discussions when we're representing, our main priority this time is simply to enjoy the event and experience the festival as attendees. Thank you for being mindful.
Discord open!
13.04.2024 - Our Discord server will be open for new joiners today! Please visit the Discord link at the top of this website and read the instructions carefully before joining. Have fun!
2024 - The Year of Reorganization.
25.03.2024 - 2024 marks a year of reorganization for the Temple of Chrysalis. This year, we have chosen to have a well-earned break from external events to focus on refining our practices and truly listening to the needs of our members. We have a range of internal activities planned, along with the introduction of new materials and a revamped Discord onboarding experience, among other developments.
The Temple of Chrysalis at Pagan Autumn Fair 2023!
06.10.2023 - The Temple takes part in the Pagan Autumn Fair 2023. Come and greet us at our enchanting space, comprised of two distinct rooms (basement floor).
The Guide of a Reality Shaper will be translated in English.
15.04.2023 - Readers, get ready for an exciting journey! The long awaited Temple of Chrysalis - The Guide of a Reality Shaper book is coming soon to English readers.
Originally published in Finnish in 2022, this extraordinary work will now be available across the world through its upcoming translation into English slated for 2024.
This description of the Temple of Chrysalis' system and reality shaping is to come soon as an e-book and may become part of your physical library collection at some point down the line.Â
The Guide of a Reality Shaper is ready!
7.10.2022 - The book Chrysaliksen Temppeli - Todellisuusmuokkaajan opas ("The Temple of Chrysalis - The Guide of a Reality Shaper) becomes available in Finnish in October 2022. The book is pre-published at the Autumnal Pagan Fair 2022 (Pakanalliset syysmessut) and later at the Helsinki Book Expo.
The book is first released in Finnish and later translated into English. The guide can be bought through the publisher, Salakirjat (salakirjat.net). Some pieces are available also at our own events.
The book is a comprehensive hardcover guide with more than 300 pages, containing both traditional and AI-generated techno-magical illustrations. In addition, the book speaks the language of esotericism and extends considerably beyond its covers.
Online Tea Times moved to Thursdays
06.10.2022 - The bi-weekly online Tea Time will be moved to Thursdays. Tea Time online calls have previously been held on Wednesdays. Since the first Wednesday of the month has traditionally been a guided group ritual, changing the time helps to avoid overlaps.
Tea Time is held on our Discord server, where everyone is welcome, regardless of membership level. Please note that the discussion will be held in English.
Pakanalliset Syysmessut 2022
15.05.2022 - The Temple of Chrysalis welcomes you to its experience room at the Autumnal Pagan Fair (Pakanalliset Syysmessut 2022). In the room, you can take a moment to breathe in the magical environment, enjoy sensory experiences such as our scent bar, try virtual reality or ask about the Temple's activities. You can also visit the room to pick up the book Chrysalis Temppeli: Todelliusuusmuokkaajaan Opas, which you can also get autographed if you wish. There will be a small gift for the fastest buyers of the book. Stay tuned, because there are limited participant slots for some mini-programs!
(Please note that we use special lighting and visual effects such as optical illusions.)