Welcome, Chrysalid!

Temple of Chrysalis is an esoteric order that explores the workings of the mind and its associated phenomena, both through the lens of science and the supernatural. An essential part of the system is to study the concept of reality.

Founded in Finland in 2018 after years of development, it is an occult-philosophical community that has in just a few years grown quickly and spread internationally. 

The Temple offers various resources and activities to support our members’ personal growth, including workshops, retreats, and one-on-one coaching. Our community provides a supportive and welcoming environment for individuals to connect with like-minded people and share their experiences and insights.

At the heart of the Temple’s teachings is a combination of public and private knowledge. While some aspects are openly shared, much of the wisdom is only accessible through the Temple’s initiatory system.

The official Temple of Chrysalis membership is completely free, with anyone being able to apply for entry. However, becoming a full member is an arduous journey that requires hard work, a worthy character, and the ability to integrate seamlessly within the community.


  • The Temple of Chrysalis is a group of people who want to become better and happier in their lives. They help each other by doing fun activities and talking about their feelings and experiences. It’s like a big team that helps each other to be their best version. Just like how a caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly, the members of the Temple of Chrysalis try to grow and be happy in their own way.

