The Grand Ekklesia Rules and Safety

Rules & Code of Conduct


  • “A Chrysalid must honor another Chrysalid and treat Them as the Lords and Ladies that they are. Love like a noble, hate like a noble, act like a noble: with good manners and respect.”
  • Don’t touch the technical device without permission!
  • Don’t use the stage without permission!
  • Do not disrespect anyone because of their race, national origin, gender, sexual preference, or physical handicap!
    • No matter how horny you are, you don’t touch anyone in an inappropriate way without their permission!
  • Don’t break anything. If you destroy something intentionally, you pay. Simple.
  • We have zero-tolerance for assholes. Don’t be an asshole.

“The Moth Queen” – the Luminary – is happy to speak with you and to answer your questions! But if she wishes to have some space, please allow her to withdraw. No need to stay and wait for her outside the restroom, stalking when she comes back. (Yes, we have some experiences…)

Safety Instructions

Table of Contents


Head of security and harassment officer

  • At larger events of the Temple of Chrysalis, the head of security is either Kyrios Vallat or a deputy appointed by him, and if needed, a separate harassment officer is named to assist the head of security.
  • The head of security at the Grand Ekklesia is Kyrios Vallat, and the event security team includes Archon Zimri and Telea Halla.

Instructions and rules

  • Read and digest the general Code of Conduct of the Temple of Chrysalis at the end of this document.
  • Respect everyone’s space.
  • No one is to be touched in a sexual way without permission.
  • Following the schedule creates safety. If the morning program starts at 10 a.m., it starts at 10 a.m. If you’re not there, you will miss it.
  • In a quiet space, racket and disturbance must be avoided.
  • If someone says their line has been crossed, the situation must be terminated immediately and talked through.
  • If you happen on a situation where Chrysalids have let their Lampropteras fly and are having an intimate moment, it is not automatically an invitation to join. Give them their peace, unless you are explicitly given an invitation to join.
  • If something happens, all parties are wished to demonstrate the desire to find an understanding, and first and foremost to seek ways to prevent unpleasant situations.
  • If you screw up, you can always explain yourself. Everyone has the right to express their view, and also to disagree. Usually, after screwing up, the most important thing is to apologize. A good rule of thumb is that the depth of the apology should correlate with the act. If you accidentally bump against someone, “Sorry” is all right! If on the other hand you cause someone to collapse for hours, a “Well sorry that you got offended” is no longer adequate.
  • If you screw up, you will be called out on it. Not one of us will receive special treatment and be handled with kid gloves just because it’s a bummer to hear that you’ve done a bad.
  • You are allowed to speak up about the Pantheon’s behaviour too. The Pantheon are the worst flagellators of themselves and each other. We go through things to improve in ourselves on a weekly basis.
  • Not everything is just to be swallowed. If you honestly believe you have not screwed up, you can politely express the part you disagree with. You can still always express your regret, and that you did not mean to upset the other person.
  • Everyone screws up sometime. How you deal with it holds greater significance.
  • After the event, we will offer a paper to leave immediate feedback. If you wish something to be done about the matter, leave your contact information. Try to be explicit: sarcasm and shitty mystique won’t help.

Safety mechanics

  • Red. If you encounter a situation that threatens to cross your limits or has already crossed your limits, you can say red / punainen. In addition, a safety word is always a safety word.
  • The hand. If you can’t speak, you can raise your hand in a gesture of rejection (palm facing outward).
  • Withdrawing into the shadows. The Temple is hedonistic by nature, and we do not guarantee that people would not touch each other with mutual consent. In other words, you may encounter even highly sensual situations, nudity, or overtly sexual behaviour. In addition, we also perform rituals, which can cause anxiety or other intense feelings. If a situation feels like too much to take, one can place their hand as a visor over their eyes and leave the situation without looking around.
    If a person does this, one must not run after them, but allow them to go in peace. This is a sign that the situation need not be interrupted. This is not a sign that anyone would necessarily done anything wrong: people just have different tolerances, and what one enjoys can be unwanted for another.
  • Other safety signs. Even if a person did not remember a safety word or gesture, any sign clearly indicative of the crossing of limits is something that those present must respect. These include for instance a request to change subject, or a repeated “no”. And if a person stops laughing at a joke about themself and says it doesn’t feel nice, this also means it’s probably not a good idea to repeat that joke.
  • Attentionattentionattention card. Everyone has an unlimited number of attention cards to use. The attention card can always be used if you feel a little left out or unable to get in, if you feel anxious or like you have no idea what to say.

It can happen like this:
or in a smaller way
– “Attentionattentionattention.”

The user of the attention card is given a moment of special attention.

We recommend keeping to the use of three cards max, but the cards will not run out. We do have an unlimited supply of love to deal out if needed.


What to do in a conflict situation?

If the situation involves you:

  1. Figure out if you could solve the matter yourself.
  2. If not, go talk to Kyrios.
  3. Even if you could, consider whether you should still inform Kyrios about the situation.

If the situation involves someone else:

  1. Analyse the situation. Does the other person need help?
  2. If it looks like someone isn’t able to fend for themself, go help, or ask Kyrios to help. 
  3. If it feels unnecessary, you can still politely ask if everything is ok.
  4. We’re all human. Regardless of title, it’s okay to help anyone if they’re feeling miserable. There’s no situation where someone could be left alone wth e.g. a panic attack just because of a high status.

ATTENTION! All conflict situations in breach of Finnish law or considered in any other way serious will be reported to the police, who will also, according to need, be called to the spot to deal with the situation.

Causing a conflict situation, or other behaviour considered serious enough by the Pantheon, can lead to expulsion from the event. Lesser violations warrant a warning. More serious or repeated offenses result in a more drastic intervention by the Pantheon. These situations are dealt with between the Pantheon and the involved parties, who will be notified in detail about the actions expected of them, the sanctions, and how the aftermath of the situation must be handled.

Time limits

  • The Pantheon strives to solve the matter immediately, if there is time to do so. If not, the Pantheon will get back to it as soon as possible.
  • After each event, the Pantheon goes through anything that happened at the event.
  • In case the Pantheon has to sort out bad behaviour, some kind of reaction is expected of the Chrysalid within 24 h.
  • When some action points are agreed on with the Chrysalid, they are given a week to carry out those actions.
  • The necessary time will be taken to sort out the matter, but ideally, matters will be sorted out as soon as possible, preferably within the day. Leaving a conflict unsolved by intentionally failing to reply is considered disregard.

When will the Pantheon intervene, when not?

  • The Pantheon can always hear you out on what has happened.
  • The Pantheon will intervene on a larger scale if they see clear rule-breaking behaviour or other jackassery.
  • The Pantheon often solves these matters together. If we have to devote our time to clearing up someone’s screw-ups, we have all the right to use the necessary human arsenal and resources. As a rule, we seek to sort everything out decently and humanely, but we also reserve the right to switch, after a certain point, into the administrative and colder style of a cult.
  • The Pantheon will not sort out if someone doesn’t like someone else. There’s no need to like everyone—it’s possible to get along with everyone.
  • The Pantheon will not solve other people’s conflicts unless either one asks for help with it. The Pantheon can however choose to do this, if they see enough grounds for it.
  • As a rule, Luminary does not solve other people’s conflicts. Luminary will never be entirely neutral, because primarily her side is always the one that benefits the Temple. Luminary can however transfer the information forward to the Pantheon.
  • The Pantheon must be aware of possible violations that call for action. If the Pantheon are not aware of something, they cannot do anything about it.
  • Matters will not automatically be done anything about if the person affected does not want it: They can just as well ask the Pantheon not to handle the matter, in which case we will pretty much just act as somewhere to let off steam when necessary.
  • Luminary will not interfere with the investigation, except when it involves herself directly. If the matter involves several parties, Luminary does not necessarily get involved. It is the best solution for absolutely every party that Luminary be kept as impartial as possible, and that her outlook not be coloured by passing conflicts that have nothing to do with her. For this reason: if you can keep Luminary out of it, do. The Pantheon will update The Leaderess on what is necessary.

The significance of hierarchy in conflicts

  • Hierarchy has a limited effect on how we deal with conflicts. The principle is that the levels of the hierarchy are respected, but at the same time the levels never justify being a prick for sheer sadism.
  • No one is to be bullied, regardless of hierarchic level.
  • In case someone lower in the hierarchy insults, slurs, degrades, or in any other way behaves contemptuously towards someone higher in the hierarchy, the Pantheon will close their eyes if the insulted party decides to respond with a rap on the knuckles, within reason. A reasonable rap on other knuckles can, for instance, be a suggestion to bring another drink.
  • The role of Telea does not mean the right to push around those lower in the hierarchy without just cause. A Telea who misuses their status in a thoughtless and loutish way brings shame to the Temple and is likely to receive a talking-to. Loutish behaviour is for instance repeatedly rubbing an offensive joke in someone’s face, or constant bullyish charging with tasks accompanied by schadenfreudian or sadistic quips. The inability to take responsibility for one’s actions is also seen as loutish behaviour. It is not loutish behaviour to show an inferior who offended a Telea their place by reminding of the hierarchy. It is not loutish behaviour to give the occasional rap on the knuckles, with good cause.
  • Do note that some situations might be agreed beforehand and actualize different kinky preferences (pets, slaves, subs, etc.). For instance, if you see one person push another down by the neck along with a dominating command, do first establish that there is an offence taking place in the situation, before you bawl out to everyone how horribly the dominant party treated the other.
  • Every level is of importance to the Temple. And with every level comes pride. Mote this pride be untarnished: In case a superior Chrysalid sincerely and gracefully grants you rights of their own level by e.g. offering their seat at the table or in a ritual space, this gift must be taken accordingly. An effective way to give a Chrysalid who shared a piece of their status feelings of regret is to hurl some tasteless comment like “How nice for once to have Archon in his rightful place on his knees in front of me.” Banter in mutual understanding is a different matter. But in a ritual space, this kind of bull is simply not thrown around. It desecrates the devout atmosphere created.
  • Be smart. By picking on an inferior, you make yourself look like a nasty bully and a dick, and you may get us to question whether your station is deserved. By disrespecting a superior, you show that you cannot be trusted and therefore have no grounds for advancement.


Nature and the outdoors

  • There are no lethally venomous animals in Finland. The most dangerous is the adder (Vipera berus), which however is a rare and timid animal. An adder bite is usually not life-threatening, but requires medical attention.

    Ticks can transmit Lyme disease or tick-borne encephalitis. The venue is not considered part of the latter’s risk zone. It is still recommended that you inspect yourself for ticks from time to time, and consult a doctor if a red area over 5 cm in size and expanding appears after a few days at the site of the bite (Lyme disease), or about a week after the bite you develop fever, nausea, or a general sense of malaise (TBE).

Wasps, bees, and bumblebees are relatively common insects that sting if provoked/threatened, but they are usually not dangerous, unless you are allergic to their sting. The sting will hurt though, and if you get an allergic reaction from a sting, e.g. swelling of airways, inform Kyrios immediately so that help can be arranged for you to get to the doctor.

Mosquitoes, horseflies etc. Particularly mosquitoes are very common and annoying summertime bloodsuckers. They are however not dangerous and do not transmit diseases, and one can defend against them by means of clothing or various mosquito repellents.

  • Thunder and lightning. A spectacular, magnificent, exciting display of nature wonderful to observe if it happens by. During a thunderstorm, swimming, boating, and being in open areas or near trees or other tall things must be avoided. The safest place to observe a thunderstorm is indoors, away from the immediate vicinity of windows and fireplaces.
  • Bounties of nature: a wide variety of plants, mushrooms, and berries can be found in Finnish nature. Some of them are really delicious and healthy, but then again some are lethally poisonous. If you don’t know whether a plant, berry, or mushroom you found is edible, DO NOT TOUCH!

Making an open fire

  • Making an open fire is only allowed in dedicated places, such as a barbeque or campfire site.
  • If a wildfire warning is in force at the time of the event, an open fire can only be made in a closed fireplace. Wildfire warnings can be checked at the Finnish Meteorological Institute website.
  • Fire suppression equipment, e.g. a fire extinguisher or water bucket, must be at hand whenever keeping a fire.
  • An open fire must not be left unguarded.
  • If an open fire is kept indoors (e.g. a fireplace), see to sufficient ventilation to prevent the formation of carbon monoxide in the space.
  • Douse the glowing fire with an ample amount of water after you’re done with it.

Swimming and boating

  • Do not go swimming alone. Particularly if you’ve taken any intoxicants.
  • In conjunction with sauna, wait a moment after the löyly before you enter the water if it is still cold (the Finnish summer is unpredictable).
  • Do not dive into the water off the pier/anywhere else, unless you see with 100% certainty what lies under the surface. The water by the shore can be surprisingly shallow, and there can be rocks or other objects under the surface on which you can gravely injure yourself.
  • If you go boating, those on board must always be wearing a buoyancy aid.


  • Everybody is naked there. This is not an open invitation of a sexual tone. Behave!
  • You can also use a towel or swimwear to cover yourself in the sauna, if your own nudity feels like an unpleasant idea. You can’t, however, demand the same of others.
  • Remember hydration. Drink water.
  • If you feel unwell, get out of the heat to cool off and drink water. Take it easy.
  • The wet sauna floor can be slippery!
  • Do not touch the stove!
  • Ask others before you throw very much löyly. If you throw a lot of löyly, the steam can feel searingly hot to some.

Emergencies & first aid

  • If anything unfortunate should happen after all, Kyrios Vallat must be informed immediately, or if he is not immediately available, the rest of the Pantheon or event manager Telea Halla.
  • In serious situations and violations, e.g. cases of harassment or violence, the police will be called to the spot.
  • In situations of injury, the necessary first aid will be given swiftly, and the injured will be delivered to an on-call physician by taxi or by car. In urgent and serious cases an ambulance will be called to the spot.


At the Grand Ekklesia, everyone present, regardless of status within the Temple, is allowed to take part in all rituals except initiations, unless otherwise specified. Join in, go for it, and dive deep!

We understand that something like rituals can generate strong emotions. If you wish to leave in the middle of a ritual, you can apply Withdrawing into the shadows. 

As a rule, rituals are not to be observed from the sidelines. If, however, permission has been granted for this, go in the back row or clearly away from the ritual circle or triaga, remain silent, and keep e.g. your phone in silent mode. If you want to participate, which is advisable and desirable, come forward. Participation is small in scale and usually mostly includes physical movements and e.g. kneeling and repeating after incantations. There is no need to fear that you would have to know something by heart, unless you are a Telea: everything will be instructed or demonstrated. 

Basic instructions:

  • If Luminary motions with her hand in an inviting/commanding way, it is a call to repeat what she just did or said, or to join in on what she is currently doing or saying.
  • If Luminary gestures with a repeated upward motion of both hands, it means “Louder!” or “Faster!”
  • If Luminary signals calmingly with her hands, it means “Tone down” or “Slow down”.
  • If Luminary slices her hand sharply through the air, it means ending the repetition and falling totally silent.


  • Cameras will be present.
  • Luminary can be photographed freely, but other participants can not.
  • Photographing people naked or having an intimate moment is under no circumstances allowed without specific permission.
  • Photos can not be published freely online without permission from those in the picture. You can set up a drive or suchlike to share pictures privately on Discord or in Chrysoteria, but do not upload pictures of others on e.g. Facebook or Instagram, unless it is ok by them.
  • We will take group photos. We would like two versions: one in which people have black scarves over their faces and which can be published on social media and the website, and one with faces visible of people who are ok with being seen on our site, social media, and other Temple material.
  • We will be happy to shoot video as well. If you want to be featured in video clips, let Luminary know.