Program & Schedule
Please notice that this is a rough draft of the schedule. We may still make changes into it and replace rituals or workshops.
However, this should give you an image of all the cool things we have planned for you!
Arrival 4pm
You can arrive at the earliest at 4 pm. You can also arrive slightly later, but please be on time for the opening ceremony.
Find your bed. Say hi to people. Dress up in your cultist outfit. EAT some snacks! - It is gonna be a while before supper.
Opening ceremony 7pm
The Temple of Chrysalis opens the Grand Ekklesia. We also go through the rules and instructions of the event. Make sure you are on time! Once the ceremony opens, the doors will be closed for a while.
S U P P E R 8-9 pm
Evening party 10 pm
Let's celebrate together and get to know each other!
BRUNCH 11am-1pm
Expect to have rather late breakfasts; our people tend to be sleepy in the mornings, so there is no use in arranging early breakfast. Let's see what our kitchen will deliver!
Morning session 11:30 am
A gentle, deep wakeup session. Wear some comfy clothes! Prepare to lie down or, if you have back problems, book a chair or another place where to get comfortable and eyes closed.
Kaleidoscope test 12-2 pm
...The LONG version.
Coffee, tea and juice!
Workshop of Presence 3-5 pm
During this workshop, we explore how our body, movement, and postures affect how we are perceived. We learn to lift our energies higher and to raise our presence into new levels. A "must go" to every Prefulgé-to-be!
Calm yourself, have a nap, meditate. During the silent hour, please avoid loud discussions.
Preparations for the evening program 6-8 pm
Do your makeup, get dressed, have a nap - now is time to chill.
(Food team withdraws to prepare our next meal.) 7 pm
Let us feast together.
S U P P E R 8-9 pm
Let us feast together.
Evening program starts 9 ->
Prepare for a performance, a ritual - and some Temple announcements.
BRUNCH 11 am - 1 pm
Morning session 11:30 am
Freshing up after the previous night's celebrations. Again, wear some comfy clothing!
Reality shaping - Mind Practices (Workshop) 12-1 pm
We will talk about reality shaping and mind. We'll demonstrate how your mind is capable to more than you probably even think, and then we use it for simple practices.
Free-time 1-3 pm
Take a nap, go swimming, get dressed up, and prepare to represent yourself at the Grand Ekklesia! There's some coffee, tea and juice.
The Grand Ekklesia 3pm-5pm
The tribe gathering of the Temple.
Calm yourself, have a nap, meditate. During the silent hour, please avoid loud discussions.
Free-time + preparations for the Actias Disco 6 pm
(Food team withdraws to prepare our next meal.) 7 pm
S U P P E R 8 pm
Actias Disco 9 pm ->
Celebrate! Go to the sauna! Dance in the forest and launch your triaga in a magical forest disco!
BRUNCH 11 am - 1 pm
Debrief 1 pm
We talk about the weekend and meet with everyone once more. We gently start leaving our farewells - for now.
Packing and cleaning 1:30 pm
Pack your bags and move them outside. Please clean up if you have made any mess. The cleanup also starts to do their part.
Event ends 4 pm
Everyone out, everything cleaned, doors closed.